WTF Games – What if

I’ve been browsing through free games on steam in the search for weird games. I came across “What if” which is a … first person puzzle-exploration game? I don’t know. Some say it’s just a drug simulator. It was supposedly not free at first, I don’t know how much it was before and I don’t know if people paid for it.

So in this game you are this dude who goes to an american parteeeh and he parties way too hard (don’t we all). Next day he wakes up with a voice shouting at him from a radio and making him do stuff. So the concept was interesting, like the one where you are supposed to type “what do bees make” in order to get to the next level (it doesn’t say specifically to type it so I was running around trying to find honey, silly me). And I can see that someone put some thought and imagination into this…game. The puzzles are pretty easy, and you have hints being yelled at you through that radio (along with a bunch of swearing, which is not even funny) or written on walls because why NOT?!. Apparently there are two endings – white pawn and black pawn. I took the white pawn road and I don’t plan on getting back for the black pawn anytime soon. All the game feels very random (which is not necesarilly a bad thing!) and there’s really nothing too fancy and mysterious about it in the end ( “boooo” ), which was disappointing. I wanted aliens. You slept with some girl and then you were drugged. I guess. Who cares, anyway?

There was this one bit of annoying level where you have to shoot pots in order to be able to jump higher and shoot more pots. Crack the pots…crackpot…to get higher…get it? And I’m …baaad at jumping. Also rage quite easy if I fail in the same place. Not a good combination.

While the randomness of levels was appreciated, I actually had a favorite one, the one where you go outside! And smell the flowers! That one was pretty, although I didn’t understand why I had to “dive?” in some trash cans in order to get the hint to the next level.  P.S. Apparently there’s some sort of cocktail named that way (Trash can). The more you know amirite?

Oh. You also make friends with alarm clocks. I mean…who does that?


The graphics are ok, the “Gone Home” type.

So bottom line, if you want to experience 1h 30 min of “Wait what?”s and “umm okaaaay”s go for it. But you know, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Water! OR is it?

Water! OR is it?

Good point trash-can! clock! or dude who partied too hard! Good point.

Good point trash-can! clock! or dude who partied too hard! Good point.

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