The Secret World “Anniversity” event

Last week The Secret World celebrated one year from its launch with a wonderful global event that implied killing a GateKeeper gone wrong, collecting awesome pets and enjoying the lag like no other.

“But you spelled anniversary wrong!”,ย ย you’ll say frowning upon the title.

Well, I did, but that’s because the most awesome part about this event was the greatest gaming community of them all. Power to the people, I say!

A channel for spotting the bosses was created – mispelled “anniversity”, along with tips and tricks about each boss, info about the lore, how to get transferred from one dimension to the other and so much more. This was so incredibly well organized. I’m not aware about who created the channel, but they did one hell of a job! ๐Ÿ™‚ So on behalf of everybody, THANK YOU! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sure, many issues appeared, most of them about the now broken PVP system and broken Fusang queue.

** Side note: “Dear Funcom, we are aware of the thing that you lost some good people because of the relocation of the whole studio thing. We are a patient and supportive community. But please don’t release things that haven’t been fully tested. We really are patient, so take your time and do things right.ย ”

After 1 week, I still miss 2 pets, and I’m hoping I’ll get them this weekend, or **dramatic music** I’ll regret this my whole life ๐Ÿ˜€


I’m putting some screenshots for your delight, and I’ll come back soon for some issue 7 talks ๐Ÿ™‚

Take care!

Shadowy Forest Boss

City of The Sun God boss


The Secret World [let’s call it a review]

I’ve been wanting to play TSW for some time and I’m grateful for the 3 days (+2) that were offered so I could get a glance on what seemed to be an amazing game. So I’ve played those 3 days and waited patiently for my salary to arrive so I could buy it. Luckily (and surprisingly), Origin had a major sale (50% off) on a variety of games, including this one, so instead of 50 euros, I got it for 25.

I would like to make a quick remark regarding their Customer Support – they’re awesome. There was the problem with the freeze date of the account (they have monthly subscription), meaning that it expired 2 weeks earlier than it should have. I wrote them an email (a bit harsh, but then I felt sorry for it) and in about 15 minutes the issue was solved. Nice ๐Ÿ™‚

Ok, back to the game. You can play with 3 factions – templars, dragons or illuminati. I guess the faction you choose influences only the main story, but I couldn’t say for sure, cause I am totally new at this. I chose the Dragon faction, which turned me into an asian chick in shorts and looking a bit emo, and began to master the power of elements (I always play the “mage” role, I should change that). The first town I visited was Kingsmouth, a place that has zombies crawling all over the place. They are quite annoying, especially in the beginning, because you always have to stop whatever you’re doing (meaning running ‘from one place to another) and kill them. I hate that in MMOs, I really do. Can’t I just walk like a normal person without some crazy townies attacking me every step of the way?

The questing system is quite impressive. You have the main quest, which is, you now, the story, and then you have some primary quests (you can only get one at a time) and other minor ones. The primary quests are given by important NPC’s you meet along the way, while other quests may be picked up by investigating a dead body or a bloody trail on some deserted street.

Check the quest typesย here.

The thing I really really love about TSW is actually the story, although it’s very dark and I always feel a bit stressed while playing. I guess it is part of the atmosphere :). The quests are beautifully written, and the cutscenes have a great voice acting (I couldn’t play Witcher because the voice acting was terrible, so this is one of my favorite things in this game).

That’s it for now, but come back later, I’m sure I’ll have more to talk about! (yes…this was a Kasumi reference)